Fighting For Your Freedom Against Criminal Charges
Any criminal conviction on your record can come with long term and unintended consequences. Representing yourself while hoping for a “slap on the wrist” or a good plea deal can often leave you with the worst results available. When your rights, freedom and future are on the line in your criminal defense case, fight to protect them with a skilled Florida criminal defense lawyer.
I am Wanda J. Morgan, an attorney with more than 20 years of experience practicing law. In the decades I have been defending my clients at Wanda J. Morgan, P.A., I have learned how to immediately start my services with an aggressive and swift approach to the case. You can rest easy knowing I am fighting for you from handcuffs to trial.
What Sets Me Apart From Other Defenses
Part of my decades of experience includes time as a prosecutor. This time in history as an attorney helps me develop a defense strategy based on the prosecution’s strategies in your case. I am here to defend you from charges such as:
- DUI charges
- Drug charges
- Traffic violations
- Assault
- Burglary or robbery
- Murder
When I take these cases, I explore all the unique factors available to find the best course of action to defend my clients. I am prepared to fight for you in court, pursue a case dismissal through police error or lack of evidence, or negotiate for reduced sentencing or charges, whatever can help you the most.
Leave Your Defense Case In Good Hands
There is no better time than the present to reach out to a criminal defense attorney if you are facing criminal charges or suspect you may be soon. Give me as much time as possible to build a case you can depend on by contacting me today at 850-390-7428 or emailing me here today.